Dilworth Visual & Performing Arts Magnet School (formerly Dilworth Elementary School), has survived various utilitarian additions and consistent use since its completion in 1920. This historic public school went through another addition, one that fully appreciates the school’s context and historic quality.
The modern addition reclaims the historic Euclid Avenue building while adding functional, light-filled interior environments. The renovated Euclid Center revived the historic link to the community, celebrated the 2004 Centennial, and transformed a public asset into a joint-use resource. The recreation center has a new full-size indoor gymnasium, offices, restrooms, and a large open room with a pantry suitable for community use for meetings, neighborhood gatherings, civic clubs, etc.
Stewart’s site-related improvements included a new student drop off loop, bus parking, visitor parking, extensive walkways to a renovated building, and renovations to an adjacent City tennis facility. One of the existing six tennis courts was relocated and rebuilt to make way for the new building. Challenges included the coordination of utilities on this old, urban, and very compact site.
Structural engineering for the three-story Euclid building addition included eight new classrooms and the recreation center. A second-floor “skywalk” links these classrooms and the recreation center to the school. The new gymnasium is part of a partnership with Mecklenburg County Parks and Recreation.