Mingo Creek Greenway (EB-5002B)

Stewart designed this 2.5-mile greenway that connects to the existing Mingo Creek Greenway at Hodge Road along the creek to Mingo Creek Park. The trail includes more than 3,600 feet of boardwalk and two bridges. The project also includes a trailhead with parking at Mingo Creek Park. As a CAMPO/NCDOT/Federal funding project, Stewart supported the Town of Knightdale in meeting all of the design and procedural obligations required for funding authorization including, right-of-way authorization, NEPA environmental documentation, NCDOT encroachment agreements and plans, and specification review. The project also required close coordination with Progress Energy to negotiate a challenging easement. In addition to DWQ and USACE regulatory permitting, the project required intensive work with NC Floodplain Mapping and FEMA for CLOMR approval.

Stewart designed and gained NCDOT approval for a new boardwalk design and construction method. This boardwalk is constructed entirely top down, thus avoiding impacts to adjacent wetlands and speeding construction times. Stewart worked closely with NCDOT Structures and Geotechnical Units to coordinate approval for the new design.

Stewart provided public involvement and direct work with adjacent HOAs to build consensus for the project. Our overall services on the project included: greenway planning and design, public involvement, GIS, surveying, SUE, constructability analysis, geotechnical engineering, structural engineering, NCDOT Encroachment Agreements and Control of Access Committee, NCDOT design and specification coordination, and bidding assistance.



Knightdale, NC


Town of Knightdale

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