For this project, the Stewart team worked with the Town of Clayton to inventory the condition of facilities throughout the Town and evaluate ADA transitions. Our work also included training sessions with Town staff.
The Stewart team developed a public participation plan that invited residents to provide feedback and identify physical barriers at accessible public facilities including buildings, recreational fields, playgrounds, sidewalks, greenways, and other elements of the public realm. Public engagement included a public meeting facilitated by Stewart and a survey that was made available on the Town website to collect input. A significant component of this project was assisting the Town with training. We helped coordinate and document the internal comprehensive review of all programs, activities, and services operated by the Town. This included assessing the staff’s knowledge of Clayton’s ADA obligations and specific tasks like arranging for auxiliary aids like sign language interpreters. After conducting an evaluation of physical barriers to accessing Town programs, our team coordinated with the workgroup and the Town staff to perform facility assessments and developed the transition plan from the self-evaluation and facilities inventory.