UNC Chapel Hill Translational Research Building Advance Planning

The Translational Research Building will provide a complimentary use to an emerging genetic and medical research district at UNC Chapel Hill. The building is positioned to support the overall campus master plan and frame the pedestrian quad to encourage cross collaboration and seamless pedestrian circulation between facilities.

Stewart was involved in the Advance Planning (AP) Phase of the project that reviewed the placement of the building along with analysis of the stormwater impacts and the extension and relocation of water, sewer and storm for the site. Stewart Civil reviewed the long range planning for Mason Farm Road and, with no real alignment confirmed, we recommended that advanced planning for the roadway be performed to review alignment, preliminary grading, and utility impacts. After approval of the AP, the project moved into construction drawing preparation with the typical SD through CD phased design. The project was terminated at the end of schematic design and during that phase, Stewart Civil further evaluated the stormwater management for the project reviewing several alternatives including upgrades to the adjoining system along with a new on-site option. Preliminary designs were also prepared for reclaimed water, fire and domestic waterline, and sanitary sewer design.

Stewart also provided surveying and subsurface utility engineering (SUE) services in support of design.




UNC Chapel Hill



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